Avoid Moving House: Worst Days & Unlucky Dates to Relocate

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Moving house can be one of the most stressful events in life, but did you know that according to various traditions and beliefs, choosing the right day to move can make a significant difference? It’s not just about packing boxes and hiring movers; it’s about selecting a date that will set you on the path to prosperity and happiness in your new home.

Key Takeaways

  • Avoid moving during the Ghost Month, typically in August, due to increased negative energies.

  • Lunar New Year and weekends are often inconvenient and inauspicious times for moving house.

  • Days with conflicting zodiac signs may bring bad luck according to Chinese beliefs.

  • Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for causing miscommunications and delays.

  • Contact us for personalized advice on the best dates to move house, ensuring a smooth transition.

When planning your move, it’s crucial to consider the cultural and astrological implications of your chosen date. While some days are lauded for bringing good fortune, others are notorious for the opposite. Let’s dive into the days that are traditionally considered the worst for moving house.

Understanding the Calendar: Relocation Red Flags

Most importantly, the calendar is packed with days that could spell trouble for your big move. Whether it’s due to long-standing superstitions or practical reasons, some dates are best avoided when planning to relocate.

Superstitious Dates and Cultural No-Nos

From a cultural standpoint, certain dates are steeped in superstition and considered inauspicious for moving house. For example, in Chinese culture, the Ghost Month, which usually occurs in August, is a time when spirits roam the earth. Moving during this period is thought to invite unwanted spiritual attention to your new abode.

Another period to steer clear of is the Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year, which marks a time of celebration and family reunions. Moving house during this festival is believed to disrupt the positive flow of energy and good fortune that the new year brings.

Holiday Hassles: Times to Skip for Sanity

Besides that, major public holidays can be logistical nightmares for moving. High traffic, closed businesses, and busy schedules make these times less than ideal:

  • New Year’s Day

  • Christmas Day

  • Thanksgiving

Therefore, when planning your move, it’s wise to avoid these dates not only for peace of mind but also to ensure that the necessary services you need are available.

The Worst Days for Moving House Revealed

While there are many factors to consider when choosing a moving date, certain days come up time and again as the worst choices. To ensure you’re well-prepared, consider reviewing these moving home stress factors and packing tips.

Weekend Woes: Challenges and Considerations

Weekends might seem like the perfect time to move because of work-free days, but they come with their own set of challenges. Saturdays and Sundays are often the busiest days for moving companies, which can lead to higher rates and less availability. Additionally, traffic congestion is usually heavier, potentially delaying your move.

Moreover, if you run into any issues, many businesses and services that you might need to contact for assistance are closed on weekends. This can turn a simple problem into a major headache.

Significant No-Move Days: From Ghost Month to Mercury Retrograde

Another period to consider is Mercury retrograde, a time when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in the sky. Astrologically, this is associated with confusion, delay, and miscommunication—all things you want to avoid on moving day.

Therefore, to ensure a smooth transition, it’s best to plan your move outside of these inauspicious periods. And if you’re looking for personalized advice, consider reaching out to us. We can help you pick the most favorable date for your move, taking into account all these factors and more.

Plan Your Move: Unlucky Dates and Their Impact

Worst Days for Moving House


Weekends (Friday-Sunday)

High demand, fast bookings, higher costs

End of the Month

Busiest day for moving, popular transition period

Peak Moving Times (June, July, August)

Less availability, higher costs for moving services and apartment complexes

Major Life Events

Added pressure, disruption of joyous occasions

Understanding which days to avoid when moving house is just as important as knowing what to pack. The impact of choosing an unlucky date can range from minor inconveniences to significant setbacks that could affect your transition into a new home.

Avoiding Bad Omens: Historical and Cultural Perspectives

Throughout history, various cultures have identified specific days as being fraught with bad omens. For instance, in Western culture, Friday the 13th is often associated with bad luck, and many people avoid undertaking important tasks or starting new ventures on this day. Similarly, in some Eastern cultures, certain lunar days are considered inauspicious for any significant life changes, including moving house.

In addition to cultural superstitions, historical events have also played a role in shaping these beliefs. Days that coincide with natural disasters, battles, or other tragic events in history are often earmarked as dates to avoid for activities like moving.

The Logistic Lowdown: Why Certain Days Make Moves Harder

Logistics play a crucial role in moving house. Some days of the week and year can compound the stress of moving due to increased demand for moving services, traffic conditions, and the availability of help. For example, the first and last days of the month are typically when leases start and end, leading to a higher volume of people moving and thus, a scramble for resources and services.

Ensure a Stress-Free Relocation: Picking the Perfect Date

Selecting the perfect date for your move is about balancing superstitions, practical considerations, and your personal schedule. It’s about finding a sweet spot where logistical convenience meets peace of mind. For more insights, check out our guide on the best moving day and optimal house relocation dates.

One way to navigate this is to plan your move mid-week and mid-month when demand for moving services is typically lower. This not only increases your chances of securing a moving company but may also result in better rates and a more attentive service.

Additionally, consider the weather patterns typical for the time of year you’re planning to move. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can make the moving process uncomfortable and even dangerous.

Example: John and Mary decided to move house and, after consulting the calendar, chose a Tuesday in the middle of the month. Not only did they avoid the rush of weekend movers, but they also secured a discount from their moving company for choosing a less busy day.

Such planning can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth move to your new home.

Calendar Clarity: Selecting Favorable Days

When it comes to selecting favorable days, it’s wise to consider both modern and traditional calendars. For instance, some may choose to consult the Farmer’s Almanac, which provides long-range weather forecasts and is believed by some to also offer insights into the most auspicious days for various activities.

Others may opt for a more personalized approach, considering their own birth charts and zodiac signs to pick a date that aligns with favorable astrological conditions.

For example, according to the Chinese zodiac, moving on a day that clashes with your zodiac sign could lead to unnecessary challenges. Therefore, choosing a date that complements your sign could contribute to a more harmonious move.

It’s details like these that can contribute to not just a successful move, but one that starts your journey in your new home on the right foot.

Auspicious Alignment: Astrology and Your Move

Astrology can offer another layer of insight when planning your move. Many believe that the position of the planets and the moon can influence the energy of a moving day. For example, moving during a waxing moon is often considered good for growth and beginnings, while a waning moon might be seen as a time for release and endings.

Regardless of whether you’re deeply invested in astrology or simply curious, it doesn’t hurt to consider these factors when setting your moving date. After all, if there’s a chance it could bring positive energy into your new home, why not take it into account?

Contact Us: Your Stress-Free Move Awaits

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of choosing the right day to move, you’re not alone. That’s why we’re here to help. Our team of moving experts can guide you through the process, ensuring that your move is as stress-free as possible.

Why Partnering with Our Team is Your Best Move

Partnering with our team means you’ll benefit from our wealth of experience and knowledge about moving dates and their potential impacts. We can help you:

  • Identify the most auspicious dates for your move based on cultural and astrological factors.

  • Navigate logistical challenges to find the most convenient and cost-effective moving options.

  • Provide resources and support throughout your moving journey for a seamless transition.

Don’t leave your move to chance. Contact us today, and let’s pick the perfect day for you to start your new chapter. For more tips, check out our guide on the best moving day to ensure a smooth relocation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is considered the worst day of the week to move?

The worst day of the week to move is often said to be Friday, due to the superstition that it brings bad luck. Additionally, Fridays tend to be busier for moving companies, which can lead to higher rates and less availability.

Are there any specific dates that are traditionally unlucky for moving?

Yes, certain dates are traditionally considered unlucky for moving, such as Friday the 13th in Western culture, and specific days in the Chinese lunar calendar that conflict with zodiac signs. It’s best to avoid these dates for a smoother move.

Ghost Month, typically in August, is another time to avoid moving due to the belief that spirits are more active and can disrupt the energy of your new home.

Mercury retrograde periods are also notorious for causing miscommunications and delays, making them less ideal for moving.

  • Friday the 13th

  • Ghost Month (usually August)

  • Mercury Retrograde periods

How does the lunar calendar affect moving dates?

The lunar calendar plays a significant role in many Eastern cultures when it comes to selecting moving dates. Days are associated with zodiac signs, and moving on a day that clashes with your sign is believed to invite bad luck. Conversely, moving on a day that is harmonious with your sign is thought to bring good fortune.

Can moving during certain seasons affect my relocation experience?

Yes, moving during certain seasons can greatly affect your relocation experience. For instance, moving during winter can present challenges such as icy roads and snow, which can delay your move and make transporting items more dangerous. Summer moves can be difficult due to extreme heat and the busy season for moving companies.

It’s important to consider the climate and weather conditions when planning your move, as well as the availability of moving services during peak seasons.

Where can I find resources to help choose an auspicious moving date?

Resources for choosing an auspicious moving date can be found in various places, including:

Choosing the right date for your move can be as important as the move itself. Some people believe in avoiding certain dates due to superstition, while others want to ensure they pick a day that’s less busy, avoiding the rush and potentially higher costs. To help you decide on the best date for your move, consider reading about the optimal house relocation dates and tips to make your move as smooth as possible.
